The Gambler Rant

So how much would you bet AGAINST your barista about coffee things?!!???

Would you bet $5.00. . . . $20.00. . . . $50.00???????

It’s a beautiful  afternoon! The sun is shining, the falls leaves are being lovely and colorful when in walks. . .THE GAMBLER!

You know his type.    Quiet,  non-conversational.  With shifty eyes that take in everything around him, and cast judgment upon it all.

He slowly walks to the counter and orders his drink so quietly that you aren’t entirely sure that you heard him right.

Little Red takes his order, and gives him his change as she happily tries to strike up some sort of conversation with him.

But THE GAMBLER won’t have it.           He is the strongly opinionated, quiet type not to be talked with!

So Little Red makes his drink and calls out his Iced 12 oz latte with her happy singsong voice.

As  THE GAMBLER steps up to the bar to retrieve his drink, his eyes start their shifty business again and he breaks out into a sweat.

“Uh, I ordered a 12 oz drink.” he states.

“Yes.” replies Little Red

“This isn’t a 12 oz, it’s more like a 6 oz!  I wanted a 12 oz drink!” says THE GAMBLER with his shifty eyes.

Again Little Red tries to make the customer happy,  so she goes and grabs the bag that the 12 oz drinks are stored in and shows him the label that clearly states it is a 12 oz cup.     THE GAMBLER looks at her skepticly and mumbles something that only he can hear.  As he turns to leave the counter and retake his seat he glares at us and states

” I bet you $100.00 that somehow you have funnied ( is that even a word?!?) this up to make it look like it’s a 12 oz, but really this is a 6 oz drink. . .it’s just too small!”

By this point I have seen and heard enough!

So I step in the back to grab a can of pop which is sealed. . and clearly states that it is a 12 oz drink!  I grab one of the empty 12 oz cups and happily stroll out to the table where THE GAMBLER is sitting, sulkily drinking his coffee.

” I understand that you don’t believe that we are being fair to you, and I am here to prove that we are telling the truth! This is a sealed can of pop and this is the same size cup that your drink is in. . and if you watch this soda will fill the cup and nothing will be left in the can.”

So I popped the top and filled up the glass.  THE GAMBLER with this judgmental look on his face, had to grab the soda cup and actually move it so that is stood side by side with his cup. And then he had to shake the pop can to make sure that it was in fact, empty like I had said it was.

I stood there waiting for some  kind of response.    But having been proven wrong THE GAMBLER didn’t say a word, he just continued to drink his coffee and stare straight in front of himself. . .as if I was no longer there.      So I casually picked up the soda cup and took a sip, then smiling my best smile I said

” So didn’t you say something about a bet?  How would you like to pay that?!” and took another sip of soda.

THE GAMBLERS face went stone quiet, and he mumbled something again. I didn’t ask him to repeat himself but turned and walked away saying as I went

” Well I guess that you will know better then to bet against us next time. Won’t you? We really do serve what we said we served, and we really do tell the truth too!”

“So sue me.” he unhappily mumbled as he sat there finishing his drink.

Lesson learned?  Time will only tell. . .

And NO we didn’t get our $100.00. . .next time we will have to shake on it!

Published on October 13, 2009 at 5:58 pm  Leave a Comment  

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