Cellphone Guy Rant

Dear Cellphone Guy,

The first thing that you should know is that it is very rude to think that the whole shop wants/needs to hear your phone call.

The second thing that you should  know is that if you want to order your coffee and have us get it exactly right, then you really need to hang up, or at the very least put your phone down for a moment to answer the questions that we need to ask you…. What you would like?   what size?   with whip?   with room? . . . .  you get the point.

But it gets better. . .

Then cellphone guy is going to hold up my line while he has to entertain everyone with his goings on about how important he is . . . or how big of a deal it is. . . . .what a great time he had last night. . . he should never of had that last drink. . .

(You know that you all have heard these people in line someplace. . .coffee shop. ..grocery store.  .book store. . )

So we make his coffee as best we can with the limited amount of info he has graced us with.  THEN he is so engrossed in his phone call that he doesn’t pay. . . .and doesn’t pay. . .and still doesn’t pay!         At which point we try and get an order going for the nice person that has patiently waited behind this jerk. . . . . . and when cellphone guy finally comes up for air and realizes that he doesn’t have his coffee, he has the gall to act as if we have put him out!       Or better yet,  he comes back up after FINALLY paying to tell us that we didn’t get his order right!


Hang up your freakin’ cell phone for the 3 seconds it will take you to order and pay, and then you can get back to your world saving phone call!

Published on September 18, 2009 at 5:13 pm  Leave a Comment  

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