Paper Lady 1 ~ Cops 0

So I am gonna have to post this here and on the main blog page . . . cause it’s  just that funny! 🙂

Mondays are usually a busy meeting day here.  So as usual, we have our regulars, small business meetings, and the grab-and-go folks.  The shop is jumpin!  And the tables are filling up quickly.

Now most people pick tables depending on the number of people in their party ( a small table for 2, or the large meeting table for the group) but when paper lady walks in she always takes the large meeting table no matter what!

We like paper lady.  She is always nice, and will have a pleasant short conversation with you. . .but her point is to come in, get her coffee, and read the whole paper. . .but always at the group table!

So like I said, we are really, really busy.  And paper lady has taken her usual spot at the large group table. . sitting all by herself. . . . when the local Cops walk in and comment on just how busy we are  🙂

( We love our Cops!  And no don’t make any Cop jokes, cause we don’t sell donuts here!)

At first it’s  just two of them, and as they look around for a table to have their meeting at in walks another. . . . so now we are up to three Large Cops with only the little 2 person table open. . and what I mean by that is that there is ONE table over by the door with two chairs and really room for two small ladies!

As they pay and leave the counter they comment again on how busy we are.  Making their way over to the  last open table I notice that paper lady STILL  has the group table all to her self!  Now I am thinking that I should maybe go and say something to her, but then one of the Cops go over, so I think “Oh good! They are going to ask if they can use the table!”


He just asks if they can use one of the chairs ( cause there is like 6 unused chairs at the table) to which she says sure and continues to read her paper ! . . .

Then in walk two more Cops who also go and ask paper lady if they can use a chair. . . to which she happy affirms they can and goes back to the paper!. . . all by herself!. . . .  at the Large Group table!

So I have my Cops all crowded around this tiny table, and paper lady with tons of room to spare. . . hanging out at the big roomy table. . . all by herself!!


I had a really good laugh!

Published on September 29, 2009 at 4:42 pm  Leave a Comment  

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